Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Plain and simple ... they just can't drive.

Don't get me wrong...NY drivers are just as bad. But, I didn't drive in NY...I'm now driving in the city of Angels.

Five weeks in and I've already had several near-collisions on LA freeways. (None of them my fault, of course). There was that one time when I hit the brakes early because I saw the traffic and red lights up ahead, but the woman behind me clearly was not paying any attention to the road. Here I am...watching her in my rear view mirror driving 60 mph...no braking in sight. All of a sudden, she slams the brakes, I hear the wheels screech and she has to pull over into the next lane not to hit me. I am literally thinking .. it's out of my hands...please please do not slam into me. And, lucky for me this time -- she doesn't.

And then, THIS actually happens more often than you might think...people are always swerving into my lane and nearly knocking me over with their giant SUV's and trucks. I blame it on the texting..or maybe even the cell phone frenzy. Seriously, why can't people just watch the road? Is it absolutely necessary to do 10 things at once while you're in your car? I mean, I GET the traffic thing. You're bored. The airwaves are playing sub-par tunes. And, you're just trying to get from point A to point B. I get it...you don't want to waste your precious time sitting in traffic. But, just watch the road! Drivers will appreciate it. I promise.

I think I've actually become a NY driver. I'm cursing the traffic and the bad drivers now on a daily basis. When I lived back east, the most chill people would turn into screaming monsters while driving their cars. It was pretty amusing to watch, I must admit. And, I always thought --hey, why can't they just relax like LA drivers?

I know better now. The traffic stinks. The drivers stink. And, my driving attitude isn't exactly all roses either.

But, the good news is...I still love my car.
And somehow...that makes it all better.

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