...well, the thing is...I don't really have a plan.
I'm sending out resumes in NY, LA and DC. (Leaning of course, towards NYC).
I'm planning trips based on my current situation, which means if I get a real job...I'm going to have a REAL problem.
Currently on the agenda: I'm definitely going to Palm Desert with the girls in August. I am definitely going to St Maarten with BF and NP and our families in November for my mom's birthday. I am definitely (hopefully) going to Puerto Vallarta with my mom for Christmas. And, I'm definitely positively no-matter-what going to Barcelona for New Year's. Those are all the definites (with tickets bought and hotels/apartments reserved).
So...with all of these trips planned thus far...who will hire ME? So, I'm thinking that I should still just coast until after the New Year with my current job. Don't get me wrong...if the opportunity of a lifetime comes my way, I will NOT pass that up. No matter what!
But then...I think. I am still on the west coast and there are a whole lot of places I should take advantage of while I'm still out here. And, especially if I'm serious about making a move back to the East Coast. If only I had an unlimited supply of cash. Sigh. Well, I know for certain that I would like to make it up north to San Fran. I've promised MR I'm coming up and I have a number of other friends there to visit. Also, NP is going out there in September, so I'd like to make my way up that weekend. Then, there is LM who is in Seattle. A perfect opportunity for me to oyster up and get some clean fresh mountain air!
There are invites to Boise and Phoenix. But I just can't do it all. And, it would be really great to hit up Hawaii once more before heading back to the cold, if that's what's in the cards for me.
At this moment, I am the most cash-poor that I have ever been... at least, in the last 5 years. And unfortunately or not...I've caught the travel bug. Frustrating. My childhood friend is packing for Maui as I write. My girlfriends are frolicking in the sun in Jamaica. My boss is in Cape Cod. I have a friend who just got back from Scandinavia. Two friends also were in Cannes and London just recently. Another friend is going to Sweden and Iceland. And yet another, is going to Rome for just 5 days! JD has been hopping around South America for about 6 months...she is my inspiration, really. So..needless to say...I have a longing to hit the road right now. Instead...here I am...in front of the tube, on my computer, sitting tight at home eating Swedish fish and drinking an Australian Cab.
The Rome situation (which I clearly have never mentioned before on this blog) is still a possiblity. It's a branding opportunity with a new client. But, I'm trying not to get my hopes up. I feel like at the moment, it's a pretty remote possibility. And, the way things are going on the job...likely, NOT a probablity. I'm not going to get into it, but the job would require me to live in Rome for about 4 months, maybe more.
I'm at this point in my life. A crossroads, so to speak. I've been working very hard in my field for the last 7 years. It cost me my health. I'm now taking a break and physically, I feel amazing! Before that, I worked my booty off...starting from the bottom up and working my way up in a number of fields. I've had a million jobs since I was 16 years old and I am an extremely hard worker. A slacker, I am not. Currently, I am single with no kids. My heart and soul have been a little crushed this year and I'm sort of at that "in between" stage where I need to decide: where do I want to settle down, potentially meet someone and start a family. It's that time. Almost. I'm at that age. I'm not 22 anymore, but I'm just not ready to settle down right this second. Maybe never. Who knows. And if I ever do settle down, I need to make sure that my guy is just like me in that he is more than ok with traveling the globe with me at a moment's notice. That, he loves to eat. And, that we just get along. Pretty simple on my end. And, that if we do end up have kids, he is ok with carting the babies around the world. I mean, my parents did it when I was a baby and I turned out ok. I just blame them (in a good way) for my wanderlust.
Right now, I need an experience. Just one experience. Something really big. And, without sounding totally cliche: I think I need an eat, pray, love moment. Or, something similar.
I've thought about saving up enough money where I can just buy a 365 day ticket around the world and hop all over every continent for one year! Just 1 year to do what I love: travel, explore, eat, relish and take in new cultures, write, write, write and just live my life to the fullest. I don't want to wait to do that until I'm retired. I want to do it NOW! I know some people would say I need to grow up. Some would even say I'm an escapist. Ok. That's fine. Call me what you want. I say I have a zest for life. And, I'm pretty sure I'm not cut out for the traditional settle down/family/kids routine. Sure, it's not conventional. But, I want to be unconventional...at least once in my life! I don't care what anybody says.
And, I feel like this is the perfect time. My job is just THERE. It's a paycheck. I can't seem to find a new one. Or, I am just afraid to jump into something because I'm not sure where it will take me. We all know, I'm already beating myself up over my last decision to move back out to LA.
And no matter what...there's no way I can ever just be spontaneous and say, to hell with everything! I really need to think about this: I need to have enough money to travel. I have a health issue that, in reality, could really cut my trip short if something goes wrong. I have to pay a fortune for health insurance. My family will be worried about me. And, I have to make sure that I have a general plan for when I come back...to reality.
A friend suggested to me the other day that I should just pick up and live somewhere like Tokyo or something. But, I don't want to do that. I have a home I can come back to. In fact, I have 2 homes: Los Angeles and New York. I just want to travel. I don't want to move somewhere. Moving from place to place won't make me happy. But, jumping around from place to place to explore, WILL make me happy. Side note: this is the same friend, who thinks that I would only be happy staying at the Four Seasons. Ummm...when have I ever stayed at the Four Seasons? Oh yeah...Once. And, it wasn't my idea. If you REALLY know me, you would know that while I would LOVE to stay at the Four Seasons every time I travel, it's just not my thing. Not only because I can't afford it, but also because I'd rather get a real cultural experience. As long as the place is clean and has running water....I'm in!
I know this all sounds like some kind of dream. The challenge is trying to make it a reality and trying to make it work. I'm not stupid and I won't jeopardize my finances, my health, my well-being, or a possiblity for a future career. While this all sounds lovely, I know what I need to do. And, if this little dream of mine just happens to fall in my lap...I promise to make the most of it.
Time to start thinking.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
...no, not San Francisco.
Just got back from another jaunt to NY. And, it's official. I miss it and want to move back. Why? I just don't understand. I guess I'm just a NYC girl at heart and dammit New York: You got to me!
Ok, ok. To be fair. The weather was horrendous. I do NOT miss the 112 degree humid temps in the summer. I do not miss the non-central air in pre-war apartments. I do not miss the disgusting smell of summer. And, I do not miss the sight of rats on the subway platform.
But, I do miss my friends.
I miss the restaurants.
I miss the energy.
I miss walking.
And I miss my life in NYC.
There. I said it again.
I think I need to stop going there and making myself miserable.
Mostly, it was great. There is just this one element in NYC that makes it sort of foreign for me. An element that wasn't there when I lived there, but kind of meshes my two worlds. In short, I met with someone there -- a California-trying-out-NY-person for a hot minute who really just didn't fit into the picture of MY New York. It kind of threw off my perfect weekend. You know, it's funny how sometimes...the more you get to know someone, the more you realize they don't really know you at all. It's kind of also what I've been realizing about myself. The more I am getting to know me...the more I'm realizing that LA doesn't really know me.
Overall, the weekend was easy. I had an amazing time with my surrogate family out on Long Island. Good food, good friends, good laughs. And back in the city, it was back to normal. Good food, sweaty days, new bars, friends coming out of their shells all to see me. That's just it! My incredible NY friends made me feel welcome back in my hood. It's something my California friend didn't make me feel at all. Very un-California-like, I'd say. With my NY friends: I ate, I drank, I lived, I reminisced, I complained, I sympathized and I laughed. I really just miss them. A lot. (Can you tell that I LOVE food?!)
Don't get me wrong. I have the most amazing friends in LA. And, I love them too. But, I feel like a little piece of me here is just missing. And, I'm not sure what to do about it.
For now...I'm just going to cherish the fun week I had back in the city. And, in the meantime, I hope that LA will get to know me. And, I plan on trying to get to know it a whole lot better before I make any decisions about making another move.
But...shhh...I am sending out my resume again back east. Just in case.

Just got back from another jaunt to NY. And, it's official. I miss it and want to move back. Why? I just don't understand. I guess I'm just a NYC girl at heart and dammit New York: You got to me!
Ok, ok. To be fair. The weather was horrendous. I do NOT miss the 112 degree humid temps in the summer. I do not miss the non-central air in pre-war apartments. I do not miss the disgusting smell of summer. And, I do not miss the sight of rats on the subway platform.
But, I do miss my friends.
I miss the restaurants.
I miss the energy.
I miss walking.
And I miss my life in NYC.
There. I said it again.
I think I need to stop going there and making myself miserable.
Mostly, it was great. There is just this one element in NYC that makes it sort of foreign for me. An element that wasn't there when I lived there, but kind of meshes my two worlds. In short, I met with someone there -- a California-trying-out-NY-person for a hot minute who really just didn't fit into the picture of MY New York. It kind of threw off my perfect weekend. You know, it's funny how sometimes...the more you get to know someone, the more you realize they don't really know you at all. It's kind of also what I've been realizing about myself. The more I am getting to know me...the more I'm realizing that LA doesn't really know me.
Overall, the weekend was easy. I had an amazing time with my surrogate family out on Long Island. Good food, good friends, good laughs. And back in the city, it was back to normal. Good food, sweaty days, new bars, friends coming out of their shells all to see me. That's just it! My incredible NY friends made me feel welcome back in my hood. It's something my California friend didn't make me feel at all. Very un-California-like, I'd say. With my NY friends: I ate, I drank, I lived, I reminisced, I complained, I sympathized and I laughed. I really just miss them. A lot. (Can you tell that I LOVE food?!)
Don't get me wrong. I have the most amazing friends in LA. And, I love them too. But, I feel like a little piece of me here is just missing. And, I'm not sure what to do about it.
For now...I'm just going to cherish the fun week I had back in the city. And, in the meantime, I hope that LA will get to know me. And, I plan on trying to get to know it a whole lot better before I make any decisions about making another move.
But...shhh...I am sending out my resume again back east. Just in case.

I'm talking about the Hollywood Bowl. Yes.
It's been awhile since I've been...and I must say...it is fabulous!
Probably one of the best venues in the world. No, THE best musical venue in the world.
I've traveled around quite a bit and I can honestly say, there is nothing like it. It's the first time I've been in this city in 10 years at the beginning of the season. June 18th. I was there. Opening night. I can't even honestly remember the program, but I remember the fireworks. (Well, also because my friends are the pyros at the Bowl).What I do remember though well, is that it was a beautiful night: stars in the sky, sun setting well after 8pm, some cheese, some wine and good company. Oh, and great music! You kind of get lost in the concert when you take in the atmosphere at the Bowl. I forgot how great it can be.
And, wait. It does get better. Just one week later and I'm there again. Abba fest. Not the real Abba. But the best Abba cover band from Sweden right now. And, they were great. But, I'm pretty sure my Svenska friends would cringe. Anyway, I loved it. LA is filled with all kinds...and they're not afraid to show off. It's like NYC in a way, but much more uninhibited, if you can believe. Men in drag. Girls with pink hair and cowboy hats. Just fun!
But, this particular night was special. "Take a Chance on Me." Right before the start of that song...the band roars into the mike..."This song is dedicated to LH." LH?! That is my friend from high school. I'm actually going to the Bowl with her tomorrow. Now THIS is a Bowl fanatic. She goes to a ton of concerts each season. And, she loves it. She lives it. And, I think it's great. I digress. And, at the end of the song...the band member says: "I hope she said yes!" Kudos to NT! Clearly, he proposed to MY childhood friend in front of thousands.
Long story short, when I asked about it the next day, the story goes something like this. He met her at this concert last year. No, he is not gay. It was through mutual friends. That's why he decided to propose...one year later. But, I have to say this is by far, the most romantic true show of love. He didn't just say: I love you. He screamed it! And, he's subsequently ruined it for all other men thereafter. He planned (of course) to bring a giant banner that said "TAKE A CHANCE ON ME." But, get this: he tried to contact the band beforehand to get them to dedicate this song. Unsuccessful. But a colleague of his overheard what he was doing and decided to take the reins. And, succeeded! Taking a stand for love! You gotta love it. It doesn't happen often.
I've been to the Bowl now 4 times since the season started mid-June. The music is fantastic. The atmosphere is out of this world. It's romantic. It's magical (not in the hocus pocus way). Things happen there. And it IS Los Angeles. If you haven't been yet...you are missing out.
I don't plan to miss out again. Even if I don't end up in LA.

It's been awhile since I've been...and I must say...it is fabulous!
Probably one of the best venues in the world. No, THE best musical venue in the world.
I've traveled around quite a bit and I can honestly say, there is nothing like it. It's the first time I've been in this city in 10 years at the beginning of the season. June 18th. I was there. Opening night. I can't even honestly remember the program, but I remember the fireworks. (Well, also because my friends are the pyros at the Bowl).What I do remember though well, is that it was a beautiful night: stars in the sky, sun setting well after 8pm, some cheese, some wine and good company. Oh, and great music! You kind of get lost in the concert when you take in the atmosphere at the Bowl. I forgot how great it can be.
And, wait. It does get better. Just one week later and I'm there again. Abba fest. Not the real Abba. But the best Abba cover band from Sweden right now. And, they were great. But, I'm pretty sure my Svenska friends would cringe. Anyway, I loved it. LA is filled with all kinds...and they're not afraid to show off. It's like NYC in a way, but much more uninhibited, if you can believe. Men in drag. Girls with pink hair and cowboy hats. Just fun!
But, this particular night was special. "Take a Chance on Me." Right before the start of that song...the band roars into the mike..."This song is dedicated to LH." LH?! That is my friend from high school. I'm actually going to the Bowl with her tomorrow. Now THIS is a Bowl fanatic. She goes to a ton of concerts each season. And, she loves it. She lives it. And, I think it's great. I digress. And, at the end of the song...the band member says: "I hope she said yes!" Kudos to NT! Clearly, he proposed to MY childhood friend in front of thousands.
Long story short, when I asked about it the next day, the story goes something like this. He met her at this concert last year. No, he is not gay. It was through mutual friends. That's why he decided to propose...one year later. But, I have to say this is by far, the most romantic true show of love. He didn't just say: I love you. He screamed it! And, he's subsequently ruined it for all other men thereafter. He planned (of course) to bring a giant banner that said "TAKE A CHANCE ON ME." But, get this: he tried to contact the band beforehand to get them to dedicate this song. Unsuccessful. But a colleague of his overheard what he was doing and decided to take the reins. And, succeeded! Taking a stand for love! You gotta love it. It doesn't happen often.
I've been to the Bowl now 4 times since the season started mid-June. The music is fantastic. The atmosphere is out of this world. It's romantic. It's magical (not in the hocus pocus way). Things happen there. And it IS Los Angeles. If you haven't been yet...you are missing out.
I don't plan to miss out again. Even if I don't end up in LA.

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