Just got back from another jaunt to NY. And, it's official. I miss it and want to move back. Why? I just don't understand. I guess I'm just a NYC girl at heart and dammit New York: You got to me!
Ok, ok. To be fair. The weather was horrendous. I do NOT miss the 112 degree humid temps in the summer. I do not miss the non-central air in pre-war apartments. I do not miss the disgusting smell of summer. And, I do not miss the sight of rats on the subway platform.
But, I do miss my friends.
I miss the restaurants.
I miss the energy.
I miss walking.
And I miss my life in NYC.
There. I said it again.
I think I need to stop going there and making myself miserable.
Mostly, it was great. There is just this one element in NYC that makes it sort of foreign for me. An element that wasn't there when I lived there, but kind of meshes my two worlds. In short, I met with someone there -- a California-trying-out-NY-person for a hot minute who really just didn't fit into the picture of MY New York. It kind of threw off my perfect weekend. You know, it's funny how sometimes...the more you get to know someone, the more you realize they don't really know you at all. It's kind of also what I've been realizing about myself. The more I am getting to know me...the more I'm realizing that LA doesn't really know me.
Overall, the weekend was easy. I had an amazing time with my surrogate family out on Long Island. Good food, good friends, good laughs. And back in the city, it was back to normal. Good food, sweaty days, new bars, friends coming out of their shells all to see me. That's just it! My incredible NY friends made me feel welcome back in my hood. It's something my California friend didn't make me feel at all. Very un-California-like, I'd say. With my NY friends: I ate, I drank, I lived, I reminisced, I complained, I sympathized and I laughed. I really just miss them. A lot. (Can you tell that I LOVE food?!)
Don't get me wrong. I have the most amazing friends in LA. And, I love them too. But, I feel like a little piece of me here is just missing. And, I'm not sure what to do about it.
For now...I'm just going to cherish the fun week I had back in the city. And, in the meantime, I hope that LA will get to know me. And, I plan on trying to get to know it a whole lot better before I make any decisions about making another move.
But...shhh...I am sending out my resume again back east. Just in case.

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