Monday, February 21, 2011


Yessssss! I finally feel inspired! Really just inspired!
And, I'm writing like mad. It's like I've been paralyzed since I moved back from NYC. Stifled. Finally, finally...I am inspired!

Not sure what inspired me. Maybe time. I've had a lot of time on my hands to re-group, to think this weekend as I sit on my couch recovering from surgery. Truthfully, it's been a very productive weekend and I just feel good. Good. Energized. In pain, but energized.

It's been kind of a messed up weekend, really. The drugs with the surgery. The pain. Some tears. Some bickering. Some jealousy thrown in there. Things that need to be said, but were not. Some drunk conversations. Raw emotions that I'm not really sure how to deal with. A lot of rest, but not nearly enough sleep.

It used to be that anger, frustration, confusion were the things that spurred me to write. But, I'm feeling a whole lot more than that right now. So, I'm not sure what exactly inspired me. Someone said to me today that I'm finding my balance. Sure. Maybe. Balance in one area. Off kilter in another?

Can't overthink it. Just going with it.

But, I sure do like it.

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