Monday, November 30, 2009


Ok... I know the title of this post sounds cheesy. I mean, could it get any more L.A. than this?

So, the conversation came up this weekend. Yoga versus Pilates. I tried yoga once a long, long time ago. And, it was well...painful, to say the least. But, I know yoga gurus and they swear by it. My best friend says she lost weight doing yoga. My pregnant friend in NYC says I need to do it LA-style because it's the best. In fact, I talked to 2 GUYS this weekend who are totally into it.

Hmmmm. I just know that when I sat cross-legged for an hour, I couldn't get up and my back killed me more than before I sat down. All these poses: the cat eating the mouse or something along those lines....or what about that duck pose? I just don't know how I feel about all of them.

Yes, yes...I've been told I need to talk to the instructor. Tell them all about my back problems, etc. But, someone else suggested I take up Pilates. I mean, both of them strengthen the core. Right? And, I've heard Pilates really changes your body.

I don't know. Maybe I need to try both of them again. Well, not again. I mean, I've never even gone there with Pilates. The machines are a little intimidating. What to do? So many options and no solutions!

Plus, I still need to get that trainer or start up salsa. I'm determined. I was looking pretty good when I got back to LA...and now, I'm feeling a little soft. is more about feel-good. I'm thinking that I may have to go yoga to clear my head and salsa for my heart & soul.

Any takers? Anybody willing to jump in with a yoga novice?

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